
Collection of books in the past few months


It's been a while since I've blogged. While this blog has been silent I've been studying to become a teacher, and now I'm teaching at a local language school! Although I haven't been able to draw anything in that time, I have been collecting inspiration. Here are three books I've bought recently.

  1. Islands by Brendan Monroe It's a beautifully printed graphic novel, where the main character travels through space. Definitely caught my attention!
  2. Cardigan heart by Lizzy Stewart I've been a big fan of Lizzy Stewart's work for years, but I've never actually bought anything of hers. When I went to Pick Me Up this week, I flicked through her new book 'Cardigan Heart' and loved it so much, bought it on the spot.
  3. Portraits of Grandpa by a collection of illustrators, I found out about the book through Hilda Grahnat 9 people talk and illustrate descriptions of their grandpa. It's such a lovely touching book and it makes my think of my grandpa.

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