
A Wrinkle In Time 50 Years, 50 Days, 50 Blogs Tour


I was thrilled to be asked to participate in the 50 Years, 50 Days, 50 Blogs Tour in celebration of the 50th anniversary of A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle.

My illustration for the 50 Blog Tour focuses on my favourite characters in the book, Meg and Mrs Who, Mrs Which and Mrs Whatsit. Including an ant demonstrating travelling through the 5th Dimension and the main purpose of the story, to rescue Meg's father from the dark planet Camazotz.

I read A Wrinkle in Time as a young teenager and have loved it ever since. During my illustration degree I created a small book called 'Tesseracting' based on the tesseracting theory described in a Wrinkle in Time.
The brand new cover for the 50th anniversary edition:
The new, 50th anniversary edition of A Wrinkle in Time includes:
  • Frontispiece photo*†
  • Photo scrapbook with approximately 10 photos*†
  • Manuscript pages*†
  • Letter from 1963 Caldecott winner, Ezra Jack Keats*†
  • New introduction by Katherine Paterson, US National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature †
  • New afterword by Madeleine L’Engle’s granddaughter Charlotte Voiklis including six never-before-seen photos †
  • Murry-O’Keefe family tree with new artwork †
  • Madeleine L’Engle’s Newbery acceptance speech
* Unique to this edition
† never previously published

  Have a look at the tours Facebook Page HERE
And view all of the other blogs that are taking part HERE

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