
Re-printing my Space book covers


A few weeks ago I went to Phil Treble's print studio Muttons & Nuts to reprint the covers for my Space books. He has an amazing studio, with a wonderful collection of type and printers. 
It was great working with Phil, he let me choose everything from the type of paper to the colour of the ink. I was even allowed to have a go at printing some of them myself. I took some pictures throughout the day, showing how the book covers were printed.

 The paper is all lined up ready to be printed.
Deciding the design of the Planets book.
All set up to be printed.
Phil's beautiful print studio. 
 Some of Phil's amazing collection of printed posters.
Deciding which colour ink to use to print the Planets, such a difficult decision!
 Mixing the ink to get this lovely dark purple colour.
Printing The Planet books
A little gif of the book cover being printed.
I was able to have a go at setting the type. 
Phil printing my Star covers.

A big thank you to Phil for re-printing my books in such a beautiful quality, and for letting me assist with making them! 
Have a look at Phil's website: http://muttonsandnuts.co.uk/

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